Bridal Bouquets

Bridal Bouquets

Your bridal bouquet has to be something truly special, it’s going to be with you all day & visible on all your pictures! Let us help you choose the perfect bridal bouquet for your big day.

Whether it’s a rustic and natural bouquet made from seasonal and local blooms or something more exotic using flowers from far away… we specialise in bridal flowers and have made hundreds and hundreds of bride’s flowers over the last ten years!

We love working with you to design something truly unique and special but we are equally excellent at re-creating bouquets that you may have seen elsewhere. Whether it's a hand-tie, a neat little teardrop or a beautiful long trailing shower bouquet, we can do them all.

We use pearls, diamantes, vintage brooches, lace, satin and organza for a luxury finish and hessian or raffia for rustic and natural looks.

Our flowers are supplied directly from Holland and we also work with local suppliers to always ensure the best price and quality for your wedding flowers.

We offer a free and no obligation consultation to discuss your Mallorca wedding flowers either in your home, over a coffee or at your wedding venue. If you are not in Mallorca, we offer London consultations and Skype conferences too.

We are totally passionate about flowers and can’t wait to talk to you about yours.