Finishing Touches

Finishing Touches

Quite often the finishing touches get over-looked, whether it’s the placement of the napkins, the positioning of the flowers, lighting the candles, dimming lights…these small details make big differences.

Don’t rely on venue staff or even your wedding planner to take care of setting up all your finishing touches on the day… these people are super busy on the day of your wedding and may forget or rush certain elements.

Leave it in the hands of the professionals. Hire a professional venue dresser to place the flowers, add the favours in the correct place, arrange the guest seating plan, remember to light the candles and carry out tasks such as the removal of unsightly cables and camera bags etc. Relax on your wedding day knowing that there is an extra pair on hands on board whose sole responsibility it is to make your venue look fabulous for your arrival.

We have a very simple and cost effective pricing structure based on number of guests – contact us today to find out more.